Since 1991, AMET Education has helped over 85,000+ students to study, live, and work in Australia.

Download our App for free!

AMET Alumnia APP is now available for you to engage with Alumni, Current Students, and Future/New Students on one single social Peer 2 Peer Platform!

Key features of Alumnia are:
Lookup What’s New, Scholarship Offers, Visa and Migration Updates, Find a Friend, REWARDS to Refer a Friend to Study in Australia! You can also Book Student Accommodation, Form Study Groups, Search Job Platforms, Open a Bank Account, Book Flights and Travel Packages, PLUSâ€Ķ.. Study FREE English, Mentors available to assist youâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķ and SOOOOO much MORE! 

We provide a personalised service to ALL of our valued students.
Let's get started in helping YOU to achieve your goals!

To provide you the best service, Please fill out the form below.