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We offer clear, honest and personalised advice on migration matters.

Why Migrate to Australia?

Australia remains one of the world’s strongest economies and many opt to migrate here for its diversity, amazing landscapes, and overall quality of life. The Australian Migration Program does not discriminate and is open to anyone from any country regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, colour, religion, provided they meet the criteria set out in law.

If you are a non-resident and would like an opportunity to live, study and work in Australia, there are many visa options available to you. 

We efficiently navigate you through the complex Australian immigration rules and regulations and help you to achieve your immigration goals. 

What Do You Need Help With?

AMET Migration Agents and Visa Assistant

Brenton Roberts 

Quality Assurance & Compliance Manager
MARA Number: 1803272

Brenton graduated with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology from University of Melbourne in 2007. He began working for AMET early in 2016 gaining experience in all areas of the international student application process. Making regular visits to AMET’s partner institutions and communicating with all members of the AMET team have provided insight into the international student experience in Australia. In 2017 Brenton studied a Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice at the Australian National University and was registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) in April 2018.

Now Brenton spends a lot of his time contemplating the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act and Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statements. 

Some of our Key Australian University Partners inc.

Download our App for free!

AMET Alumnia APP is now available for you to engage with Alumni, Current Students, and Future/New Students on one single social Peer 2 Peer Platform!

Key features of Alumnia are:
Lookup What’s New, Scholarship Offers, Visa and Migration Updates, Find a Friend, REWARDS to Refer a Friend to Study in Australia! You can also Book Student Accommodation, Form Study Groups, Search Job Platforms, Open a Bank Account, Book Flights and Travel Packages, PLUSâ€Ķ.. Study FREE English, Mentors available to assist youâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķ and SOOOOO much MORE! 

We provide a personalised service to ALL of our valued students.
Let's get started in helping YOU to achieve your goals!

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