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Master of Arts (M.A.) International Healthcare Management (Emerging Market) – 1 Year


Enrol in your online International University of Applied Sciences Master’s in International Healthcare Management degree today!

The healthcare sector has been at the centre of news broadcasts recently, and it is clear that the industry is going through rapid changes in an attempt to meet new challenges. What’s clearer than ever is that healthcare is an industry that’s vital and exhilarating – and that young new managers, with a better understanding of the digital age, are required at almost every corner.

The 120 ECTS program is aimed at students with an undergraduate degree in the field of economics or business administration.

The 60 ECTS program is aimed at students with an undergraduate degree in other fields, but with a minimum of one year of professional experience in the healthcare sector.

Take on challenging managerial responsibilities in an exciting industry, and work in hospitals, care facilities or industry-leading medical technology companies.

Total Program Fee: USD$4,365


Now more than ever, the challenges facing the Healthcare industry are global. That is why the IU online Master’s program in International Healthcare Management puts a strong emphasis on internationality, and how the global Healthcare industry operates. Combine practical skills and in-depth research of the economic, political and social elements affecting international health policies and markets, and graduate as an expert on international Healthcare systems optimisation.