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Master of Arts (M.A.) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Mature Market)


Enrol in your online International University of Applied Sciences Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship degree today!

Innovation initiatives and an entrepreneurial approach to business are two essential components of running successful businesses, regardless of their size or industry sector. Creativity, market familiarity, a willingness to take chances and strong team management skills all combine to create the successful business entrepreneur of today.

In this online Master’s program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, you’ll focus on developing these exact elements of your professional portfolio. By acquiring a strong business innovation foundation, and focusing on the practical elements and implications of entrepreneurship, you’ll gain the confidence needed in order to take big risks in your career later on – and reap big rewards.


The Innovation and Entrepreneurship 120 ECTS Master’s program is designed to give you the strongest starting point possible for a future career in the start-up sector. Through courses such as Business Model Design and Digital Business Models, you’ll build a strong understanding of how to develop business models – both traditional and innovatively digital.

Later on, you’ll deal with product design planning and agile project management, thus preparing yourself to many different managerial responsibilities in a wide range of potential roles.

And in the third semester of your study program, with the elective courses of your choice, you’ll decide where you want to focus your education, in accordance to the future career you have in mind. Be it more tech-oriented or geared towards more traditional corporate management roles, the wide range of elective courses offered will provide you with the tools you need to match your ambitions.